There are a few resources I found while looking at big-data articles that I would like to include in a post, if nothing else as a handy reference for my own memory. They also seem to be tied in some way to concerns or questions that we should have about learning analytics. I would also like to address some of George’s concerns in the LAK-11 forum: Critiques of Learning Analytics?
First some resources:
- A web-page about Data Mining and Discovering Knowledge in your Data is a straight forward and fairly simple explanation of data mining – the basic process and concepts.
- An article by Tim Nigris entitled: Data Danger Lurking in Public Cloud Contracts, in the Cloud Computing Journal points out concerns that should be had by “organizations considering or already using public cloud services especially for storing data and documents.” This should be of concern to the general public as well because ultimately – guess whose data and documents they are storing?
- An article entitled Is the google-ification of education underway? is related to learning analytics (and personalized learning in particular). But even more interesting (and found in a comment of that article) is this article by Maria Anderson : The World is My School. She speaks to several pertinent